One very important component of Katahdin Cedar Log Homes is our Energy Envelope System (EES). This system enhances our Northern White Cedar log walls and offers other benefits as well! Here are the top five reasons our Energy Envelope System works for your log home:
- Superior Comfort—One of the benefits of log homes is their cozy comfort. Our log homes start with Northern White Cedar logs, which provide the highest R-value per inch of any species used in log construction. Katahdin Log Homes remain cozy and comfortable because cedar’s low moisture content means a stable log structure— no shrinking, gapping or shifting. Because of this enhanced stability, we are able to apply the insulation to the interior of the log walls to bring the total building envelope insulation to the R-value levels required in your area.
- Energy Efficiency— There’s nothing that pays better future dividends in your home than improved efficiency! Investing in additional insulation on the front end improves your home’s heating and cooling costs year over year. Add great windows, smart heating and cooling and solar orientation to maximize windows, and your home will be comfortable and easy to heat and cool for years to come!
- Easy Plumbing & Wiring— We recall the challenges of installing plumbing and wiring inside the log walls of log homes that didn’t have the Energy Envelope System insulation. Each convenience outlet, fixture, light and circuit box had to be meticulously planned for, then drilled onsite. Wires had to be pulled through drilled holes inside the logs. Ultimately wiring and plumbing for log homes was time-consuming and labor intensive. With EES, once the structure is enclosed, sealed, and insulation applied, the plumbing and wiring is installed easily: directly to the wall structure before the finished interior walls are installed. This allows for installation that is as much as 40% faster than drilling and pulling wires through log. Plus, it allows for incredible flexibility in adjusting outlets, lighting and fixture location.
- Interior Wall Finish Flexibility—The most popular finishing on the inside of the Energy Envelope System wall is cedar tongue and groove, which can be planed flat or rounded to present a log wall finish for the traditional rustic appeal. However, many of our customers opt for other finishes to one or more interior walls, which might be drywall, stone facing, tile or other wall products. This flexibility opens up plenty of creative options, and we’re glad our customers take advantage of these options (see left).
- Customizable R-Values— While energy efficiency codes vary from location to location, some folks wish to maximize their energy efficiency. We’ve had several clients that have achieved net zero energy consumption with a combination of high R-value insulation, enhanced efficiency windows & doors, and upgrades to solar or geothermal. With traditional log wall design, these super-efficient homes were out of the question. But our EES and design improvements have allowed some customers to achieve platinum LEED designation, and approach or surpass net zero energy use in their Katahdin Cedar Log homes.
Katahdin’s Energy Envelope System achieves both flexibility, cost savings and still works within the traditional whole log wall construction that is both durable and solid. We’re proud to encourage our customers to embrace sustainability and energy savings while designing and building their beautiful Katahdin Cedar Log Home.