We love lofts in Katahdin Cedar Log Homes. They add flexible space to log homes without adding to your overall footprint. Because they’re an open space, often overlooking the main living areas, it’s important to be able to utilize the log home loft space well. We’ve checked out some smart ways to furnish log home lofts.
Added Sleeping Area
Many log home owners use the log home loft areas for overflow sleeping areas or guest accommodations. If this is how you plan to use your loft, you’ll want to ensure it has cozy sleeping areas. One way to accomplish this and maintain good storage accessibility is to add built-in sleeping platforms. These simple sleepers could be tucked in under dormers or eaves, with drawers or cabinets under the platform. Consider adding a small folding screen to provide visual privacy for guests using the loft as a sleeping area.
Sitting Room Lofts
Often lofts are set aside as a quiet escape for curling up with a book or a place to play board games. For these activities check out “condo sized” furnishings to match the scale of the smaller loft space. Keep profiles lower too, to make the most of the available floor space. Depending on the pitch of your roof, the “living area” of your loft begins at the 5-foot high clearance mark. That doesn’t mean you can’t tuck seating a little further back— just make sure there’s enough clearance when you sit and stand. A smaller sized television can also make for a chance to tuck away from main areas.
Home Office Space
For many log home owners, the loft area provides an excellent area to locate a home office. Position your desk area near the windows to take advantage of natural light and consider some built-ins along the knee walls for supplies storage, files and other work-related items. Think about including an adjustable desk workspace that transforms from sitting to standing position for better working posture and health. You may want to include comfy loveseat seating for laptop work and conference call brainstorming.
Don’t Forget Ambiance!
Your lighting and air movement planning should coordinate with your intended loft space use. Most homeowners have learned from experience that loft areas collect heated air, resulting in a need to move that heated air to other locations in the home. Consider warm air returns high on the walls, and a remote-controlled ceiling fan to move the warm air into other adjacent rooms. Lighting is important in the loft area too: consider small lights along purlins to emphasize the vaulted space in the loft—especially if your purlins are stained a darker color. Ensure there are plenty of electrical outlets and internet/ethernet ports, so entertainment, computing and smart home features are easily accessible.
However you furnish your Katahdin Cedar Log Home loft, you’ll be glad you included this extra flex space in your design!