Many log home sites are situated near bodies of water: seasonal streams, lakes, rivers, vernal pools and other water features. Additionally these homes are likely to rely on a private well for water. So it make sense to take care with controlling erosion during construction.
Contractors are likely regulated through the state department of environmental protection to ensure that construction debris silt and rainwater runoff doesn’t contaminate the waters near the home site. There are several steps to maintaining good erosion control that can be set up before the first shovelful is taken.
Define the construction areas. Keep construction areas to a minimum, and recognize that the existing vegetation can act as an effective filter. Rooted ground cover can slow the flow of eroded materials and keep the construction site’s impact low. Construction areas should be bounded by correctly installed silt fencing, or staked hay bales. The silt fencing should be entrenched and held in place with posts. Some contractors also utilize fiber rolls made of open mesh sleeves filled with sediment-trapping fibers.
Stabilize bare soils quickly. By covering excavated soil piles and stretches of open ground, you’ll keep fill in place for when it’s needed later in the construction process. Workers will also find it easier to work if the site remains stable, especially in areas where rainfall can be significant during the construction timeframe.
Make sure drainage keeps pace. Plan for drainage that is engineered into areas around foundations, and work areas. Taking the time to create berms to channel runoff away from the construction area and into a holding pond can also minimize drainage issues. Hillside construction sites can be a challenge and require special attention to water flow downhill.
Stabilize the site entrances. If the site is located at the end of a long private rod or driveway, make sure the roadway is well constructed to handle the semi tractor trailers that will deliver the Katahdin Cedar Log Home package, as well as well drilling trucks, cement trucks, and other construction vehicles. It doesn’t have to be the final surface, but ensuring a well-built roadbed from the outset will ensure a durable entryway for years to come.
Inspect and maintain control. Conduct regular inspections at specific phases in the construction timeline. If heavy storms are predicted, make sure the barriers are reinforced or further stabilized. After significant rainfalls, ensure that runoff is being controlled and fed to where it supposed to go.