Balancing a well-watered lawn with managing water use in your Katahdin Cedar Log Home has never been easier with the innovative OtO automatic lawn sprinkling system . The fully customizable OtO system attaches to your garden hose to deliver water and fertilizer or pest control treatments exactly where you want it.
Up to 10 Custom Watering Zones
Instead of wasting water on sidewalks and driveways, the OtO smart app allows homeowners to customize the sprinkler zone to fit specific irregular areas identified through the smart app. Just open the map function, highlight the watering zones and you’re ready to roll! Select one zone for your lawn, then identify a different zone for the garden to accommodate different water requirements.
Easy to Install
Each OtO unit is solar powered and easy to install on a post, fence or other elevated location accessible by your garden hose. Once installed and linked to you home Wi-Fi you’ll be able to map out the watering zines for your OtO system on the OtO smartphone app.
Simplify Lawn Treatment
The OtO system also allows homeowners to treat their lawns with convenient drop in fertilizer and pest control modules. The ingredients are child and pet safe and take the guesswork out of keeping your lawn healthy and beautiful.
Avoid Double Watering
OtO employs a Weather Intelligence function to avoid overwatering immediately around rainfall. When activated, the Rain Skip feature will skip a watering if the rainfall exceeds a level set by the homeowner. That way nature takes some of the watering duties off your water load.
How Many OtO Devices would I need?
The OtO website offers a nifty lawn visualization tool using satellite imagery to test how many units would be required to maximize coverage. The website will analyze your zones and offer the quantity that will meet your watering needs.
An Inexpensive Solution to Watering
With a relatively low unit price and installation so simple the savings can be significant when compared with professional sprinkler system or do-it-yourself sprinklers. In-ground sprinkler systems can tear up your lawn, require intensive labor and cost thousands of dollars. Setting up your own sprinklers doesn’t cost much for equipment but robs you of time and wastes water through inefficient targeting. OtO offers precision, easy installation and worry-free lawn care for your Katahdin Cedar Log Home.