Last month we offered our readers a chance to voice their opinions in a survey about log homes, Katahdin and our newsletter among other topics. Thanks to the 84 respondents who took a few minutes to answer our questions. Here’s a summary of what you told us:
What’s important for research
An overwhelming majority (73%) told us that quality of the log home was the primary focus of their research. Knowledgeable staff (26.1%) and a local dealer (23.8%) were the second and third important factors. Other factors not included in the survey list but written in were wood species, cost, reputation, and builder availability. When comparing among log home companies, 36.7% said they would compare among three log home companies, while 22.6% said they would look at four different companies before selecting one.
Favorite topics
Favorites story categories in The View From Up North newsletter included landscaping, gardening and outdoor spaces (61%) and how to build a log home (55%), with log home decorating (46%) and lifestyle (43%) close behind. You also indicated you’d like to see more stories about finances, mortgage and legislation (67%), “green” and component focused articles (62% each) and appliances (60%).
Energy Savings are Important
Respondents had strong opinions about some of the topics we brought up. Of respondents, 97% agreed that “Having my home be as energy efficient as possible is important,” and that “Knowing the financial health of my log home company is important.” When asked whether having a LEED or other green certification would increase the value of their home, 62% agreed strongly or agreed. Fifty-seven percent of respondents agreed with the statement, “It is important to build an ‘authentic’ log home with whole log walls.” In another questions, energy savings were important to respondents with 53.5% saying that “I like to save energy, especially when it means I can save money.” And another 19% went even further, stating “I want to do everything possible to save energy, even if it means sacrificing something.”
Cautiously optimistic
Most people (50%) felt that their families would be in about the same position a year from now, while 42.8% felt they would be better off in a year. Only 2.3% felt they would be worse off in 2011.
If you didn’t get a chance to participate in this survey, keep an eye out for future surveys!