Good afternoon everyone! Thank you for joining us for Trade Tip Tuesday this week. It’s a really fun one today so let’s get right to it. Keep reading for today’s Trade Tip: Don’t Forget Fluffy!

It’s no big secret that pets are a big part of many people’s lives. According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent a whopping $72 billion dollars on their pets in 2018. That’s a lot of chew toys and catnip! But we do it with joy because our pets are an integral part of our family.
Which means considering their needs should be part of your home planning process. Think about your pet’s daily life. What do they need and how is it currently set up in your home? Would you like a more hidden area for the cat box? A feeding area located in the mudroom to keep it out of the kitchen hustle and bustle? And what about a dedicated area for the dog crate that matches the décor?

Anything is possible with some advanced planning. In fact, today’s post was inspired by some Katahdin Cedar Log Homes customers who are building their dream home right now. They’re putting a small dog shower into their mudroom area for easy post-romp cleaning. It’s a great move that will pay off dividends when Fluffy meets mud season. Another KCLH customer years ago put in an entire dogs’ room! It seems the sky is the limit when it comes to our pets but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chat with your dealer about other ways to incorporate pet-friendly touches to your home. Thanks for tuning in and we’ll see you next week!