Keep track of the weather that really counts— what’s in your back yard! Home weather stations have come a long way in recent years. Adding a weather station to your Katahdin Cedar Log Home is one way to track your immediate environment, but also provides valuable data to weather pros!

Tap Your Inner Meteorologist
For great features at an affordable price, consider Acurite’s High Definition Pro+ 5-in-1 Weather Station. This unit has two elements, the inside display and the outside sensor, measures five weather conditions: temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall.

Display Features
The high definition display provides a wealth of information from your own local sensor array, supplemented by weather forecasting using Dark Sky for today’s and tomorrow’s forecasts. Its wi-fi connectivity provides seamless uploading of data to Weather Underground. Your weather report is available anywhere on your smartphone via the Weather Underground app. It interfaces with the outside Weather sensor for real-time information.

PRO+ 5-in-1 Weather Sensor
This unit is powered by two solar panels. The solar power drives an internal fan to optimize ambient temperature accuracy. Its wireless range of 300 feet makes this unit a powerful tool that can be situated in the best location for accurate readings. The automatic self-emptying rain cup, two-year battery life and durable all-weather construction makes this installation an easy choice.

Lightning detector
If strong storms are a part of your location’s weather, consider adding a Lightning Detector to your Weather Station package. The device detects bolts and storms within 25 miles, and alerts to warn with audible and visual alarms. Place outside or in, the Lightning Detector is compatible with Acurite remote access to provide email and text alerts to your phone.

However you choose to accessorize your weather station, your family will enjoy its information for years to come!